EBC Glide Glass & Window Cleaner is an advanced formula designed for maximum results in minimum time. Super concentrated means you use less soap. Super effective means you clean better and faster. Readily biodegradable surfactants makes EBC Glide Window Cleaner the perfect choice for your window cleaning needs.
Use EBC Glide Window Cleaner as an additive to your existing house wash mix. Simply add EBC Glide at 3-5 ounces per gal of mix and apply along with your standard house wash application, rinse and let air dry. EBC Glide Window Cleaner enhances the shine on exterior windows. Also perfect for individual squeegee work or water fed pole applications. EBC Glide Window Cleaner is the perfect soap for the pressure washing or window cleaning professional.
X-Jetting & Down Streaming (Based on a 5gal mix)
- 4oz Apple Wash (Surfactant)(Scent Cover)(Marker Soap)
- 4oz EBC Glide(Window Rinsing Aid)
- 5oz Agent Green or 1oz Agent Green 5x
- 2oz Apple Boost (Scent Cover)
- 2oz EBC Multi Purpose De-Greaser (Soot,Spiders & Carbon)
Proportioner (Based on a 7gal mix)(House Washing)
- 1.5-2gal Apple Wash (Surfactant)(Scent Cover)(Marker Soap)
- 20oz EBC Glide(Window Rinsing Aid)
- 25oz Agent Green or 5oz Agent Green 5x
- 20oz Apple Boost (Extra Scent Cover)(Keep Neighbours Happy)
- 10oz EBC Multi Purpose De-Greaser (Soot,Spiders & Carbon)
- Fill the rest of the 7gal container with Water